Recent News
A Message from the President
The SECOLA board has been busy behind the scenes this winter. Britt Reynolds (Water Safety) and Joe Buchanan (Legal) have been monitoring legislation in the State of Wisconsin and throughout the country regarding the effects of wake boats on inland lakes. Jay Weber (Invasive Species) is working with Florence County Land Conservation to get ready for Clean Boats/Clean Water and making sure we have staffing for the Decontamination Station. We have added a new member to the board, Steve Faust, to chair the Finance and Insurance Committee. Soon the buoys and hazard markers will be put in and we will be ready for summer fun!
Update from Florence Township:
• Tim Bomberg, Township Chair, provided an update on the status of the new fire station which will be located off Lake Ellwood Road. Mr. Bomberg stated that the area has been cleared for the station and site preparation will begin once weight restrictions are removed for the season. He noted that the township still needs state-approved plans. For fiscal year 2024, Florence township has approved $115,000 for this project. Per Mr. Bomberg, “Much more is needed.” The township is currently working on collecting building and operational costs. Their goal in this effort is to defray costs and avoid new taxes, while using local talent for volunteering time, talent and funding. Mr. Bomberg noted there will not be a fire hydrant at the station but the township would like to have a high capacity-well within the fire station. It would be used just for filling the trucks.
• The new garbage collection system is up and running. According to Mr. Bomberg, “We won’t know the exact cost of the new system until late August or early fall when the impact of the snow birds’ return and usage will be known.” (2024 collection cost are covered by current taxes.)
If you have any questions about your garbage pick up please refer to:
The SECOLA board has been busy behind the scenes this winter. Britt Reynolds (Water Safety) and Joe Buchanan (Legal) have been monitoring legislation in the State of Wisconsin and throughout the country regarding the effects of wake boats on inland lakes. Jay Weber (Invasive Species) is working with Florence County Land Conservation to get ready for Clean Boats/Clean Water and making sure we have staffing for the Decontamination Station. We have added a new member to the board, Steve Faust, to chair the Finance and Insurance Committee. Soon the buoys and hazard markers will be put in and we will be ready for summer fun!
Update from Florence Township:
• Tim Bomberg, Township Chair, provided an update on the status of the new fire station which will be located off Lake Ellwood Road. Mr. Bomberg stated that the area has been cleared for the station and site preparation will begin once weight restrictions are removed for the season. He noted that the township still needs state-approved plans. For fiscal year 2024, Florence township has approved $115,000 for this project. Per Mr. Bomberg, “Much more is needed.” The township is currently working on collecting building and operational costs. Their goal in this effort is to defray costs and avoid new taxes, while using local talent for volunteering time, talent and funding. Mr. Bomberg noted there will not be a fire hydrant at the station but the township would like to have a high capacity-well within the fire station. It would be used just for filling the trucks.
• The new garbage collection system is up and running. According to Mr. Bomberg, “We won’t know the exact cost of the new system until late August or early fall when the impact of the snow birds’ return and usage will be known.” (2024 collection cost are covered by current taxes.)
If you have any questions about your garbage pick up please refer to: